Saturday, January 31, 2009

SKIING Day 6 I think

Parker and I headed to the Dance this morning got there and the lot was empty, we thought awesome! Listened to some Zep and relaxed waiting for the lift to open. The lot filled quickly. The snow was good, some soft crud and soft bumps. The Corduroy was excellent, speed was the game of the day. We made probably 10 runs before the ant hill was in full swing! We then went into Bishop's Bowl and that was the end of the day Parker caught a tip and tweaked his hip, I felt bad I thought we would be OK but he buried a tip in the soft crud. We wrapped up the day with that run out. It was blue bird day! We looked down the inversion and couldn't even see the reservoir or Heber it was totally buried under fog. We headed home after a last run down Cottonmouth and ended pretty good. Met up with Dad and had lunch together. Then I went on ride looking for wild horses found about 200 head just roaming the west desert they cool looking horses. Seen probably 2-300 head of Antelopes as well, couple Bald Eagles.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Butterfly Trail, Snow Canyon

This week Sally and I headed to St. George for our annual winter convention. We started out Sunday afternoon. The weather was threatening but we lead the storm all the way down. Those behind us weren't as lucky they said the roads were bad. We pulled in Sunday evening and stayed at the Hampton it is a nice place. We woke to a storm and snow in S.G. not common but it cleared off by noon. We started out toward Veyo but ran into 4-5 inches of snow on the road, the folks that were with us didn't have 4WD so we turned back and went to the dinosaur tracks museum. Save your money and time, in fact go out searching for your own much funner. We left our friends there with there baby to look around and play inside. We went to Snow Canyon for a hike. We chose Butterfly trail an easy 2 miler with some great views and a lava tube that was cool. It took us a couple hours just meandering along and climbing around to go out and back. There was no one around absolute silence for the most part, it was nice. The breeze was chilling but when it didn't blow the sun felt great. We climb to the top of a "petrified sand dune" and sat and took in the views and took a couple pics. Then we saw the lava tube it was deep but not very long. We headed back after playing around there for a little bit and headed to the book store in the park not much there camp host was nice. Til next time Keep Smilin'

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yuba 1.19.09

Well we started out with high hopes of bringing home a bucket load of Perch slabs. All week long I had been reading about the slabs they were taking out of Yuba. They even had pictures of them, I think they bought'em and took pics at the reservoir ;). We headed out at 6am stopped and topped off the Tundra and got some provisions. We were loaded with all the baits minnows, waxies, meals you name it we had it. I had bought a slew of lures that were guaranteed to bring home the big ones, nope not quite. We pulled on to the lake about 7:30 and had our first hole cut by 7:35 we had jigs tipped with meals, sonars, paddle bugs with waxies, we were going to slay them! Half hour passed 3 changes of lures later I went and found John and his boys in their 6 man tent, it is a sweet set up, I need one! They had 2 on the deck but nothing else was hitting. Went back to our camp set our tent and crawled in, did I mention it was ZERO you could see your breath crystallize. Gary toughed it out for a bit longer then he joined Parker and I in the tent, not near as spacious as the 6 man. We stayed in the tent until the sun broke through then we started sweating and decided to get outside. It was nice, still cold but clear and you could see crystals still floating. We fished for 5-6 hours moving around a little, changing baits and lures often, no one was catching any. Talked to a number of people they hadn't done any better. We decided to call it a day when a guy came by on his 4 wheeler and said he had been to every camp on the lake and no one had really landed any numbers. We then headed for home and stopped in Nephi at "Reed's" to get a burger it was good should have gotten some pics but I didn't, sorry. Got home around 3 pm fishless but with smiles on our faces. Good day on the deck! Til next time Keep Smilin'

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 5 Skiing

Good day on the mtn. Snow was surprisingly good! Parker and I put in 12 runs before our legs played out us. We hit hit mostly blacks as fast and hard as we could in a couple hours. No lines everyone must have thought with the film festival going on it would be crowded, ski down get on, rest, ski down get on, rest. Yep good day! Going fishing Monday, hopefully catch a load of Perch!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Skiing Day 4; Parker and I went to the Dance and got in 10 runs this morning before the ant farm got out of control. Snow was good we were in clouds all morning and snow some of the morning. We even found some untracked pow. the reports that have been given for totals however are misleading they are still very shallow in depth. Good day on the mountain.

Second half of the day we went to Scofield and cut a couple a holes in the hard deck and fished the rest of the day we got off the ice at sunset. It was a BLUE BIRD day on the ice. Now if we can figure out to get those dirty little fish to eat our offerings....LOL. No luck again today but it was still better than sitting in building. Next time, my friend let me know what to take up there he caught 13 in a couple hours this morning we just missed him.