Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Ski day of the season at Sundance

Saturday morning we woke up to a cloudy kinda rainy day.  We had breakfast at the church for our annual Christmas social got our belly's full and came home after getting pics with Santa.  We then loaded up and headed for the mountain.  We arrived and met up with Dana in the parking lot.  We then loaded up on the shuttle and headed for the base and up the chair.  The snow was decent with a fresh layer of 6 inches.  Boots hurt like haties the first run, legs and lungs were burning and I was realizing what a year of sitting in front the puter had done to me.  Got on for a second ride up had the boots unbuckled and loose the coat unzipped.  Unloaded buckled up and went for another run, legs burning lungs killing me but loving every second of it, Parker laughing at me....LOL.  Parker was enjoying the whole show.  We loaded up for 3rd ride, again everything loosened and then tightened, but a great run I was feeling better legs loosened up feet not hurting so bad lungs still on fire!  Parker came down and said last run, he had a date with his grandma we both almost forgot about.  So we loaded the shuttle to the truck and rode home with smiles on our faces.  First day! Good Day!  Got a short video trying to get it loaded, give me a minute it will be there.

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