Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fishing Days

Been out a couple times since my last post.  Went with my good friend Bruce Gardner to Strawberry.   We took our tubes and got in the water.  I enjoy fishing with Bruce because every time I go with him it is like getting a free clinic on fly fishing he superb at throwing a great loop.  He hooked up very quick on a very nice Cutthroat just under the limit but a nice fatty.  He was running a purple woolly with a scud trailer, it hit the scud.  He played it for about 5 minutes not wanting to hurt it or lose it.  We fished most of the day bot fly and spinning tackle.  The wind came up and blew us off the lake.  Bruce did very well, but caught a load of chub as well.  I didn't fare quite as well.
The next day I went up to Silver Flat Lake in AF canyon and took my tube out again.  Flied for quite some time but couldn't figure out the pattern, tired of not getting something I broke out my super light weight rod and started casting KM's it took a little bit to figure what colors they wanted but finally coaxed a few to the tube.  It was beautiful morning and the lake is still very high.  I do like that they closed off the peninsula it is starting green back up, and it doesn't kill anyone to walk a few feet to the shoreline.  They were all small bows and finally got a small brook to hit the end of the line.
I went fishing in the Uinta's this last Saturday to a small lake called Blue Lake.  I am trying to hit as many lakes as possible in the Uinta range.  It is dedicated to a man that loved the Uinta's, my Father(-in-Law) I hate putting in-law at the end because he never treated me as son-in-law but one of his own.
Sorry no pictures from the last couple outings.  til next time keep smilin'

With Kelly on DC

 Fishing with my brother Kelly on Deer Creek.  Tried some new things out today and they worked okay not great.  Tried the area by the state marina and Wallsburg bay some interesting patterns.  Got a couple in the boat.  Got quite a few hits but were short strikes and could not hook them up lost a nice bow to begin the morning, got on a little later than usual.  The wind got to be unbareable so we got off by 11:30.  Went to Jose's for lunch and had a great morning fishing with my brother.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spring Canyon - Blue Lake

Went to the Uinta's finally this year.  Finally got family matters in order and was able to get away.  Dropped off the wife at her mothers and continued into the wonderful Beaver Creek/Provo River drainage.  Drove approximately 17 miles to the Spring Canyon turnoff and went for a trail ride,on the Uinta trail system it is marked 041 and connects to Trial Lake. Today I was in the Jeep, so I brought along my light weight spinning rod with 2lb test. The trail is rough and needs a high clearance vehicle on the majority of the trail. I was initially looking for Alexander Lake just 4 miles up the trail and few hundred yards off the trail. I drove past the trail head not even seeing a sign for it. Ended up at a small lake about 6 miles up the trail.

The small lake gave nothing but took a favorite spinner, I figured a sacrifice to the Uinta's. Continued up the trail another mile and came to the fork of Buckeye and Blue Lake to the left, well marked with signs, this was at mile 7. Took the left hand fork and continued to Buckeye lake the first large lake on this trail, a pretty kettle lake in a meadow. I looked around for a bit but didn't see any movement or top water action and continued on. This trail is for high clearance machines only, seen a few atv's as well. I went approximately another two miles and started seeing water to the left of the trail. There were pull offs headed toward the lake and I took the 3rd unmarked trail that lead to a small meadow lake very shallow with nice camping. I went further in and came upon Blue Lake. A typical high Uinta lake with a steep hill or cliff bordering one side and shallow water on the opposite side. I stayed on the shallow side but could cast half way across the lake. My intentions were to hike to the deep side but there camps on both sides of me in the trail, not wanting to disturb them I stayed where I was. I actually couldn't believe I found this many people in this area, 3 camps in all, one had driven there in an Armada, might explain some of the fluids I seen on the way up. I fished for about hour or so, throwing all types of kastmaster and got a few brook trout to shore.

It was great outing glad I was in the Jeep, my Tundra would have picked up some pin-striping on the narrow trail. I returned on the same trail I went in on and got back on trail 041 and followed it the rest of the way to Trial Lake area. There are many lakes on trail 041 that I will hit this summer. I will return to Buckeye Lake and give it try as well. The trail is rocky and rough, but with enough clearance the most part of it can be done in 2WD, but I would recommend 4WD to get through some areas without beating up your vehicle.

Typical Brook trout of the Uinta Mtn Lakes.
Excellent colors and if you are camping make a fine meal.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Utah Lake II

Went out with Mac on his boat today for some cattin' on UL.  He was into them good but all we were catching were mud cats.  I got a couple but Mac was killin'em.  Spent about 5 hours on the lake trying to find the channel cats but no luck.  Introduced Mac to the Saratoga Springs amusement park marina trying to find the hot springs.

Utah Lake I

Hit UL with Parker.  We thought since it had snowed the previous couple of days that we would stay low.  We ended up going out on UL to try for some cats.  Parker did quite well he hit a trifecta with  a channel cat, mud cat and a couple white bass, his first ever white bass.  It was a gorgeous day on the lake!  We had a fun morning.  We ended with a trip to Chubby's for lunch.

Rockport on Grandpa's Boat with Brent

Good morning of fishing on Rockport with Brent. We went on Jimmie's boat that Betty has decided to keep for now so anyone that wants to can use it.  It was a fun trip good to get out with Brent.  It was good fish day we located them and then limited out in just over an hour.  No tags on any of them.