Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fishing with Maxwell!

Some ask why the bigger boat?  Well this weekend illustrates why.  We took Max out with us this weekend and he did great!  He got to reel in a couple fish and enjoy the experience with us.  He was up and ready to go in seconds according to Jimmy, his dad.  Jimmy said, I went and said are you ready to go and he jumped up and ran to the door, that is when Harrison woke up, not a good scenario he was not happy he was not going.  We thought a trial run with Max was in order to see how things would go.  We fished most the morning down by the dam in deeper water but only coaxed a couple to the boat.  Max thought it was awesome and even touching them without hesitation, a fisher has been made!!  We fished until noon then went and got a burger at Jose's in Wallsburg.  A great day with Parker, Jimmy and Maxwell!!

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