Friday, November 28, 2014

Scofield Ice Fishing 11.26.14

Parker and I went to Scofield Reservoir to check on the ice fishing situation. I had seen on other sites that folks were on ice and catching fish. We left home at 6 am and headed south after filling up and getting needed supplies we hit the road. We arrived on the lake at 7:30 am and were actually fishing by 8 am. We used our hand auger due to the fact our power auger wouldn't start. My fault I should have started it before at home to make sure it was going to work. Good thing the ice was only 4 inches thick we cut 5 holes quickly and set lines in about 10 ft. of water and put our camera down and immediately seen fish. That made us happy. We rigged our poles for the first time of the season and started with our go to baits and lures. Paddle bugs and meal worms, ice flies and jigs. Parker got the first fish within about five minutes, a small Colorado Cutthroat trout, first fish of the ice fishing season. Made us both happy. I set two poles one with the ice flies and meal worms dead handed that pole, and one with a rapala minnow bait that I jigged. The rapala paid off not long after Parker's fish and again a small Colorado Cutthroat trout. I fished the jig for another half hour and got nothing, while Parker was killing them on the paddle bug and meal worm. I got a larger Colorado Cutthroat trout on the ice flies which was fun. I changed out my other pole to a rattle rap and tried it for a half hour and got nothing and Parker was still slaying them on the paddle bug, so I gave in and put on a tube jig and meal worm and instantly got two fish on the deck, still working a small jigging action. We fished until early afternoon and easily got over 60 fish on the deck including one Tiger trout and one Rainbow trout. Scofield has a slot limit regulation that all Cutthroat trout and Tiger trout between 15 inches and 22 inches are to be immediately released. Everything we caught was in the slot limit. Still we had a blast catching numerous fish and for the first ice fishing outing it was great! We are planning on returning again this weekend and see if we have the same outcome. The day was absolutely great bluebird day a little wind once in a while but we in short sleeves part of the day, doesn't bode well for the ice however but the morning it was 27* so it will rebuild overnight. We had multiple double ups on the day which made it even more fun we enjoyed the sun and cool clean air.

See the video of the trip at click here

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