Saturday, August 20, 2016

Fish Lake Report 8/19/16

Friday the boys and I went to Fish Lake. Our hopes were to find a couple nice lake trout, but instead, all we could muster up were 20 or so planter rainbows. Our day started at 4:30 am loading the boat and getting on the road by 5:00 am. Picked up Parker about 5:20 and started south for our 2.5-hour journey. Stopping at Scipio and getting breakfast and worms for bait. Don't by worms in Scipio, they are not good. We continued south and made it to Fish lake by 8 am. A little later than wanted but the morning was nice a cool and the lake was flat. We launched and went to the lane where all the boats seemed to be and started trolling. This was our first time on the lake so we fell into place and avoided cutting in on other anglers. We put out three poles to begin and running pop gear and flashers with worm and squid trailer. The action got going with Parker getting hits on a Red pop gear getting three fish quickly and then I got a couple on a pink flasher and worm. Jim with the squid took a little longer to see action.


We made two passes along the southern bank of the lake and was in our third pass when a guide cut us off and cut through our lines. Taking our flasher and squid set up with his actions. I have fished for 20 years from a boat and never had someone blatantly and purposely do such an action. We exchanged words after he called us A$$holes, I didn't take that well so I went after him and after the exchange, I notice he left the lake. I'm sure his clients didn't care for his actions, we certainly didn't. Okay, rant over.

The fishing was actually very fast and fun, just no big fish and definitely no lakers. The fish slowed down about 11 am and we made a pass without a hit and decided to call it a day at 1 pm. We loaded up and went to Sigurd and had lunch there at the local shop, a great little place ran and operated by a great lady. We ended up keeping 9 of the bigger 20 or so that we caught. Jim filleted them and had dinner. We will return and with more gear set up for the lake trout.

Friendly Butterfly

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