Sunday, December 22, 2019

Fishing Small Stream for Rainbows

Work has been a bear lately and keeping me from focusing on the right things. Saturday however I took a couple hours and went to the mountains and fished a small stream I hadn't fished in years.

I fished multiple pools and finally found one right on the side of the road that paid off. I used my favorite little jerk bait and a couple old go to's as well. Nothing big, but a lot of fun to get out and fish after a couple weeks in the trenches.

I jinxed myself talking about the plight of another angler losing his gear on a log I was fishing over and tossed my lure into a tree across the river. Not one to lose a lure, I went after it. It took me a few minutes to retrieve it but I got it back and learned why I couldn't get off the branch. There was a fly set up on the same little branch and a lot of fishing line that actually hooked my lure.
The water was crystal clear and I could see the fish flash when they hit and the one that wouldn't take the bait. It looked to be a bit bigger than the ones I had gotten to the bank, but you can't tell from the bank. I will return and see if I can get it to hit.

I may have to go back to being retired!

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