Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adventure to Eureka

Today Bob and I went on a ride down to Eureka and went looking for mines and caves. We found a couple bedding caves for some animal, they were at the top of the mountain. Nothing deep was found. We then took a ride down Dividend Road to the mine found there. We spent a couple hours looking around there and checking out the old mine buildings and machinery. It was cool, took some pics check out the slide show below. Then we went to try and get over Homansville Pass Road. We got just pass the rock quarry only to find some really deep snow. After getting our temporarily dislodged truck moving again we went back into Eureka and picked up a drink. We ventured on and went to Mammoth an old mining town that is still working. Some cool old buildings in there. We then went out on highway 36 to Vernon. There was still a bunch of snow out there. We picked up the railroad road and went toward one of rabbit hunting holes picked up Vernon hills road and went east heading toward home. The roads in the area were very dry considering what we just went through. Fun day exploring. Til next time Keep Smilin'

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