Saturday, February 14, 2009

Skiing Day 7

I headed up to the slopes today on my own. The trip up to the resort was interesting. The canyon was blocked by a delivery truck and a couple cars that had no right being up there during a snow storm. We had to wait in the canyon for them to clear the road. It was dumping! The road was covered and the snow plow couldn't keep up with it. It came blasting past us on the left side and took off a mirror of a vehicle 2 behind me and I thought for sure mine was gone, but no, it missed me by a fraction. We finally got moving again about 30 minutes later. Got to the lot and the lower lot was already full. Up to the top lot and down in the bus. Got on the lift and instantly was covered in dendrites. It was still coming down good. Topped out and the wind picked up but really not too bad. Slid over to Arrowhead and up again the wind was steady at about 15-20mph and filling in the turns from previous lines. First run in POW for a while, it was nice and tiring. My Bolles have given up the ghost however, I couldn't see squat out of them, so I was basically skiing in braille. Run 2 went about the same legs burning at this point, trying to ride as lose as possible so I could ride the bumps and ruts since I couldn't see anything. Remember to wear new Smith's from now on. Run 3 getting loser in the legs but wind picking up. Stopped in at Bear Claw and warmed up for a minute seen Casia with her ski team kids, they always look like they are having a blast, they were out digging caves in the spindrifts on the lodge porch, they were having a blast. Got out did a few more runs and the legs were fried, goggles were fogging from the sweat pouring out the body. Road Ray's back to the top and skied out on Cottonmouth and called it a day. Saw Brad picking up some demo's. It was Demo day at the Dance they had some nice sticks but I was too hammered to think about going back up. What a great day on the mountain, fresh POW every run and some even up to the thighs. Oh ya must get new gator, old one STINKS! LOL YA Shoulda been there!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I found your blog! I miss skiing, maybe next year. I noticed you have some four wheel sites on your blog, do you have a jeep? Aaron has an old jeep commando and has not found anyone to go wheelin' with, or skiing with. let me know, maybe we could get together. cool blog, I'll have to put the link on mine...
