Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hunting Day! Yuba Style.....

Kelly and I headed out for the hunt at 5am.  Yuba hunting for the Pike!  We were looking to catch some of the famed Pike out of Yuba Res.  We headed south and stopped and got breakfast in Nephi and then headed on south.  Got to Yuba about 6:30am and got on the water by 7 it was a balmy 34* when we launched the boat.  The boat, Kelly towed his Skeeter up from S.D. a beautiful rig with 250 horses pushing it thru the water a little different than my old 15hp Johnson.  20' of pure luxury and speed, plenty of room to move around and get the angles on the cast.  We started out he wasn't to happy with the performance it was only topping out at 66mph!  I just laughed we got to our first hole in about 5 minutes where it would have taken the yacht an hour or so.  We fished every structure we could see and think of, used the incredible electronics on the skeeter to their fullest to find and locate fish.  We fished the southern end of Yuba most of the morning, we docked out of Painted Rocks.  Not getting so much as a sniff at anything we threw in the water we decided to move to the dam and main body of the lake.  Again taking only a few minutes to run the entire length of the lake, Kelly was just not happy with the top end what would have taken me and Parker all day to cover we did in less than 10 minutes, i just had to chuckle.  We pulled up to the rock structures at the dam and fished and fished and fished covering from the dam south and east to the Painted Rocks leg of the Res. we noticed it was 3pm and again not as much as a sniff.  We saw a Pike bobbing up and down in the water like he was spying on us and telling them all that we were there.  A beautiful day to be on the water and we enjoyed ourselves greatly but no fish for the day.  I guess that again says why it is called fishing and not catching ;)!  We headed home and went to Italian Place and got a nice juicy Steak and Everything, with mom and dad, a great way to finish a great day!  til next time, keep smilin'!

Springbreak Ski and Fish I love Utah!

Spring Break, woke up and decided to put in one last day on the slopes.  Headed to Snowbasin it had been years since I had been their slopes.  Turned out to be a good day to go not to crowded snow was decent but Sierra Cement by the afternoon.  Put in a dozen or so runs had lunch on the mountain.  Lunch was good big ol cheeseburger and fries.  Hit most of the runs, legs were fried.  They had some great upgrades since having the Olympics there 2 gondolas a couple high speed quads and other chairs with plenty of mountain to explore.  The gondola takes you up to the ridge line that you used to have to hike to!  Had a good day only thing that would have made it great is if Parker had been with me, he would've loved it.
Headed home around 3pm the legs were noodled.  I went on the back side through Weber canyon and down Provo canyon.  Decided there was plenty of day light left so I stopped at Deer Creek and fished for a while and met up with Sally coming home from from her parents place.  I got a couple nice little bows off the bank.  A GOOD Day!  Til next time keep smilin'!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Very Cold Easter Saturday!

Today Bob and I went to shoot my new pistol a 9mm and do some fishing as well.  We headed west and went to Vernon and stopped at the store and picked up some refreshments and then headed into the freshly snow covered Vernon range.  Got to Vernon res and found it still had the middle capped off with ice but plenty of open water.  We stopped and started fishing Bob hooked a little bow on his 3rd 0r 4th cast and we thought alright ice off is going to be good.  NOT, we dang near froze our hands off it was so cold with the wind blowing.  That was the only fish we could coax to the bank.  I fished for about an hour or so and then couldn't feel the line any longer, Bob gave in long before then.  We headed back to Vernon and then headed East down toward Allen Ranch and stopped in a small canyon to shoot.  The gun is a good shooting pistol felt good in my hand, we set targets at about 30 yards and got a few in the  All in all it was a good morning better than sitting at home.  Til next time keep smilin' Oh ya Spring Break maybe Sally and I will get out and have a couple adventures.