Saturday, April 3, 2010

Very Cold Easter Saturday!

Today Bob and I went to shoot my new pistol a 9mm and do some fishing as well.  We headed west and went to Vernon and stopped at the store and picked up some refreshments and then headed into the freshly snow covered Vernon range.  Got to Vernon res and found it still had the middle capped off with ice but plenty of open water.  We stopped and started fishing Bob hooked a little bow on his 3rd 0r 4th cast and we thought alright ice off is going to be good.  NOT, we dang near froze our hands off it was so cold with the wind blowing.  That was the only fish we could coax to the bank.  I fished for about an hour or so and then couldn't feel the line any longer, Bob gave in long before then.  We headed back to Vernon and then headed East down toward Allen Ranch and stopped in a small canyon to shoot.  The gun is a good shooting pistol felt good in my hand, we set targets at about 30 yards and got a few in the  All in all it was a good morning better than sitting at home.  Til next time keep smilin' Oh ya Spring Break maybe Sally and I will get out and have a couple adventures.

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