Saturday, March 27, 2010

Days with Bob

Well its been a couple weeks since I posted anything.  Depressed a little, with out my partner in crime available I have to find another partner.  Bob has been willing a couple times and we have gone out to a couple lakes.  We hit Vernon and it was still capped off so we headed north and ran into a full blown blizzard at the Tooele depot and headed back toward home.
So this week we headed south after reading reports on Palisades, I wanted to go check on a couple waters and hit Yuba on the way down it was clear but windy so we went on  and drove past 9 Mile to see that it was still capped about 3/4.  Looking up the valley we could see that Gunnison Res was still capped as well.  We made it to Palisades and started out by the power house and then ended up at the dam.  We fished for about 4 hours and I got one rainbow landed on a Jake's.  We had a few hits but very slow!  An absolute beautiful day on the lake.  Still miss my partner, Parker he is doing great in England and is very excited to get out of the training center and to move on.  Sorry no pics today forgot the camera :(.

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