Monday, December 24, 2012

Elmer fuddin' and walking on water

This weekend has been a lot of fun.  The boys and I got out for some fun stuff.  We went bunny blasting on Saturday with Joe and seen a number of cotton tails and jack rabbits.  They were fairly safe with us shooting at them LOL.  We went out west and walked quite a bit.  We finished it off with lunch @ Chubby's.

Parker and I went to Scofield on Friday and cut a couple holes.  The ice was 4-6 inches thick so it didn't take to long to cut holes.  The power auger is down and out for a while until I can figure out what is wrong with it.  Anyhow when we arrived it was a balmy -11 and didn't warm up a bunch.  We caught a couple and missed a couple.  It was a Bluebird day on the water and can't wait to get back on the ice for another go around.  We will most likely hit Strawberry a couple times over break and maybe Rockport.  til next time keep smilin'

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