Monday, December 31, 2012

Chicken Creek East

Went with Parker and Mac to CC East.  It was a cold morning and day on the ice.  We trudged our tents and augers out to about 10-15' of water and cut quite a few holes.  We fished until early afternoon and only managed one on the ice it was a nice 21" cutt that Mac caught in the only hole that was having any action.  We tried all types of baits, lures and set ups.  Parker actually watched a school of 6 or so swim up to his bait nose it and swim away.  That is the cool thing about ice fishing, you see all the way to the bottom in your tent.  He was shocked he actually watched it happen and quickly brought in his lines and tried something else.  The trip off the ice wasn't nearly as easy as getting to the lake, it took us 45 minutes to work our equipment back to the truck.  Post holing up to our knees the entire way.  Everyone around us got the same action and were cutting holes all day long trying to find the right spot.  Sorry no pics today left the camera in the truck :(

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