Friday, January 4, 2013

2" of ice!

Parker and I went to Rockport last weekend and when we got there we seen a couple guys on the ice.  We drove over to the marina and ran into the ranger and he said the marina and over around the dam had just capped off, but back by the campground it thicker.  We drove back to where we seen the other group, got out loaded up the equipment and ventured to the lake.  We started out on the ice and the fella on the ice hollers hey I wouldn't walk so close together its only about 2" thick.  Parker and i looked at each other and paused and he waited for me to get out a ways before venturing any further.  He came out but kept his distance, I started to cut the first hole to find it only took me 4 turns to cut through.  When I broke through the ice sheet waved under my feet and I thought I was going under!  Weirdest feeling I've ever had on the ice.  We cut 3 more holes and kept them apart a fair distance.  We were both pretty apprehensive about being out there but we settled in and started getting bites, super light and couldn't get them to hook up.  I ventured out further and cut another hole, dropped down a jig and got a hit but again missed it.  Watching the other holes I seen my one pole get a big hit I ran, well shuffled, over to it and brought in a 16" bow.  The only one we could deck that day.  It was a brisk cold morning and we stayed until noon and then took off and got lunch at the Drug store in Kamas.

Till next time keep smilin'

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