Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On the ice with Fox

Monday Kevin Fox and myself ventured on to Deer Creek.  Having heard it was "hot".  We got on the water a little late, trying to locate meal worms was like trying to find .223 ammo, non-existent.  We made our way on to the ice and started with our first camp seen 2 schools of fish swim through and nothing.  Guess what happened next, nothing.  All day we moved cut holes and dropped everything we had and nothing not even a bite.  We did get a little sun but that was sparing.  We will return and find them, trust me.  I will have the 4 wheeler and move large distances to find them next time.  Good side we ran into an old player and friend Steve Nielsen he was with son.  They stayed for about a half hour and went to Jordanelle wish we had followed him.

Mt. Timpanogas in it 's grandeur!

Wishing to see fish...anything!

1 comment:

  1. It was still good to get out and enjoy the sun! I didn't have a clue you took a couple of pictures of me. Usually I can usually tell when I am being photographed! Thanks again for the invite. Let me know when you give it another go!
