Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Berry on ice

Saturday Craig, myself, Parker and his mission companion hit Strawberry.  We left early to get there for the morning bite but Aaron "Elder" Blotter is a cali boy and was not quite prepared to spend the day on the ice and Craig forgot his showdown.  We went back to Craig's place for boots and his flasher.  We got on the ice around 9am a little late but not to bad.  Craig had one on the ice in about 15 minutes after we got set up. We took the 4 wheeler for it's maiden voyage and it did okay for about 5 minutes into the hunt for the camp.  I noticed the dash went dead and then it wouldn't get up to speed.  We found our camp spot at least we made it that after I turned off the wheeler and it would not start again!?!?  I thought the battery went dead.  More on this later.
Fishing is what we went for and fishing we did.  As I said earlier Craig had one iced in a few minutes the flasher makes a world of difference.  He caught 8 before I put one on the deck, in fact everyone caught one before I did.  Even Elder Blotter caught his very first fish ever before I got my first up.

Oh well it was a beautiful sunny day and no wind.  We had 8 holes cut and fishing in each Craig kept hauling in fish until about 1 pm he was the steady catcher.  Then I started to get hits, and more hits.  In fact I caught 8 in about 35 minutes it was a blast!  In all we decked out over 50 fish that day with everyone contributing to the haul.  All the fish were cutthroat and in the 18-20" range so they had to go back.  Craig did catch a nice fatty of 21.5 inches but still no keeper.

The Wheeler I went to the camp next to us they had a couple 4 wheelers with them and asked for a jump thinking still it was the battery.  He asked if I needed right then I said no just when you get around to it we were going to be fishing for a while, I didn't know he meant 2:30 pm, it was 10 am.  Parker started getting antsy and went to the truck to see if we had jumper cables in it he couldn't find them.  But that is when it got hot for me.  The guy came over and we attempted to work on the CanAm and figured out it wasn't the battery and something else what we didn't know.  So I asked if would be so kind as to tow it back the truck for us, he did of course.  It was a blessing because if he hadn't we would still be up there pushing it through the snow.  Got everything loaded and headed for home.  Called Adam on the way home and he met us at the shop to look it over.  He said it has to be a fuse issue, I felt about 2" tall for not thinking of that.  We got into the fuse box and sure enough a blown fuse we pulled a new one out and placed it in the slot and ZAP it blew immediately.  Adam fiddled with it and couldn't keep it from blowing fuses, he called a friend to figure out it could be.  I knew I had some anxious boys in the truck and need to head for home so I left it with him to figure it out.  Still waiting on results.
CanAm in background

We had a blast even though the small set back happened with the CanAm.  That is why I always like to make maiden voyages with just me and close to home.

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