Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flaming Gorge!

Beautiful boat!  Capt.  Monty Thurgood
June 1st, Fished with Capt. Monty today all 3 boys were on the boat.  The started with us meeting up with Capt. Monty at the Lucerne Marina Docks on Flaming Gorge.  We were looking to get into some big Mackinaws, but Monty siad we could but wouldn't catch many fish, he talked us into running for Kokanee so we followed his expert advice.  We started off with a couple nice strikes and a couple nice lip rips, Kokanee are very soft jawed and it took us a couple attempts to figure out and listen to Monty on how to reel them in.  I ended up landing the first one of the day.  

Rogan caught the most fish for the day and a nice Rainbow.  Jim caught a couple Kokanee, which was the flavor of the day.  Parker caught the biggest of the day with a 3 lb Kokanee.  First time fishing for Kokanee, it was interesting they have very soft lips and any little tug on the line would rip the hook out of their jaw.  It definitely has to be finessed in.  We lost a number of fish due to not keeping a little pressure on the "tip".  Monty was great he treated us like royalty and made the trip a great day.  He wasn't happy with the numbers but we had an absolute blast!  Monty kept us entertained all day.  
His boat, the "Fish Teaser", is absolutely fabulous!!!  He finished the day off with cleaning our catch for us and bagging the filets.  They will be smoked tomorrow with Pecan chips.  We learned tons about fishing for the Kokanee Salmon.  We met up with Colton Christenson at the cleaning station we fished his lures all day.  Picked up some of his lures at the marina store.

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