Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fishing with Friends

Nobody said fishing was easy, it looks easy and relaxing and most of the time it really is. Last night’s fishing trip was no exception. We took off from work and got to the lake around 5 and on the water. Rex and his son joined me on the Fish Steeler for an evening of fishing. We fished until night fall and loaded in the dark. We fished Dead Sheep Point, the Bermuda Triangle, and went up into the SoG and back again to the dock. We fished and relaxed and shared stories of the day’s work and world issues to pass time. We fished relatively hard, but really didn’t focus that hard on things because we just needed to escape and relax our minds after work. We had a few hits and a couple hook ups but without full focus on our task we didn’t put one in the boat. We wanted to and had one coming in and Oli was on the reel. We were running deep trying to find them in the heat of the summer water. To no avail we lost the one that we had hooked up the best. We changed colors and patterns regularly trying to find the right combination to entice a good fight from a rainbow trout. For a Wednesday night it was busy on the lake with a number of recreators on the lake with us. The evening was perfect though a slight breeze to put a ripple on the water. The wakes weren’t too bad only a couple really rocked us. Trying to land one for Oli was our main goal after a while but still our minds were not focused on the rainbows, more just relaxing. Rex and I are amping up and getting ready to open a new year at our respective schools each of which are two of the largest in the state. So tonight was a needed escape from everything coming down the pipe at us. Both of us are ex-coaches and defeat is not easy for us to accept but we finally gave in when we couldn’t see our lines in the water. We loaded and headed for home thinking of stopping at a local restaurant, but Oli gave up the fight and was out in 10 minutes on the road. We had a great evening fishing, catching on the other hand not so good, but the reason for going was satisfied. Not too often we get skunked on DC, but tonight wasn’t about catching so much as it was about being on the water.

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