Sunday, August 3, 2014

Utah Lake 8.2.14

I fished Utah Lake late last evening on a solo outing, had a cancellation for the morning run, so I did some things around the house and worked on my blogs and other accounts to clean them up.  I needed to get out of the house and relax, decide to run to UL for the evening hit and target some white bass or other small panfish in the lake.  Arrived at Provo harbor around 6 pm and started fishing.  I remembered quickly why I hate fishing from the bank on that lake, the bugs are horrible!!  They aren't so much the biting type just annoying and millions of them, they fly around you, land on you, get in your vehicle, you name if it is annoying they do it.  You stand right at waters edge the majority of them stay away for some reason, so I had my toes in the water all evening.  Started on the inside of the harbor and threw a small silver vibrax fanning the bank line east to west back and forth, fished for a good half hour watching the boats roll in and out of the harbor wishing I was on mine.  I must force myself to launch and load my boat on my own so I can go solo in it.  I hate making people wait for me at the ramp though.  Back to the fish, I crossed over the outside of the harbor dike and fished in that area for a while still nothing.  Moved down the dike a little ways and fished on the outside still, using the No. 2 vibrax and to my amazement I caught a carp!  A 6-7 lb carp but still a carp, on a vibrax spinner, crazy stuff on the light tackle I was using it was a fun fight but still a CARP!
I know some folks like catching and even target them for sport, but to me they are still and always will be trash fish.  I did my civic duty and threw it on the bank.  Utah Lake is inundated with carp, introduced by the pioneers, they have taken over the lake and made it so that the "June Sucker" was dying off.  The June Sucker is a marker fish for the health of the lake the better they are surviving the better the lake is doing, at least that is the story the DNR and Enviro's are telling us.  We are paying with our taxes and sportsman funds to help remove the carp from the lake, they have removed tons of them and are still netting tons each week. So I did my part and removed a few more Carp all the same size big fat pigs and rather ugly.  All caught on that vibrax spinner absolutely crazy, but still great fights on the light gear I was using.
I moved to the inside of the harbor and tried my luck for I was really targeting and still nothing.  I moved back down to the ramps and docks and changed up a few time from silver to gold spinners and spoons.  Talked with a fellow fisher he and his wife said it was extremely slow and he hadn't seen anything caught but one white bass on a spoon.  I fished on and moved around the marina targeting the rocks and floating docks.  Started to see large numbers of bait fish schooling around the area and fished into them thinking maybe they were being schooled up by prey fish, but still nothing continued to change lures and colors.  The bait fish come to find out were large schools of catfish fry.  Cool to watch them swim around in large schools.  The evening ended with me still only catching the few carp that I caught earlier.  A nice evening, no wind and once I got back into the marina the bugs were not present and by the time I left the bats were out feeding.  Thought seriously about changing my call handle to the "Carp Slayer" after catching these and the other one at Yuba a couple weeks ago on a spoon...LOL, not!

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