Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fishing Currant Creek

This morning Kelly and I were on the road by 5 am and on our way to an unidentified location when we started out.  I just started driving up the canyon.  We drove past DC and into Heber City and stopped at the Hub for breakfast and supplies.  We continued up the road past Strawberry and Soldier Creek.  By then I had decided to hit a favorite lake of mine that we don't frequent enough, Currant Creek, with the boat in tow we made the corner up Currant Creek canyon, a beautiful steep sided canyon with Currant Creek running through the middle of it.  This is the first time I have taken a boat on the lake.  The road is generally wash boarded and the last 9 miles of it are dirt.  Making for a dusty, dirty boat, oh well.  Being it was Labor Day and knowing the other reservoirs would be packed I was hoping that CC would be tranquil with little activity happening.  I was right, we were one of three boats on the lake all day.  The lake is at capacity also!!  Could not believe my eyes when we first pulled around the corner and seen that it is full.
We launched the boat on their ramp, which is very nice for such a remote location in the western Uinta range.  Currant Creek is fed by three or more creeks one of them being Currant Creek a fun little creek full of Colorado cutthroat and some Brook trout.  The lake is loaded with Tiger trout and Colorado Cutthroat trout and some rainbow trout.  We got on just as the sun was cresting the eastern horizon and giving us a great sunrise.  We went to the dam to begin our day of fishing.  I was trolling popgear and a worm to begin with gold leave red stripe black dot and a two tone JoD.  Kelly put out a rainbow popgear and then he started casting a Pin minnow at the bank.  We got to the spill way and Kelly hooked up with a very nice Tiger trout for the first fish of the day.  After some pics and trying to get it on video we moved on down the dam and over the north shore of the lake.  The weed line was very distinct and thick out to a depth of about 30 feet then it stopped.  The fish were just on the edge of the weed line.  My popgear was not producing anything so I started to put on other tackle.  I notice that it was almost like Henry's Lake was earlier in the spring with all the weeds and grasses in the water.  So I put on two spoons that did well up there thinking that this might be the trick.  Running deep, was, at times impossible because of the weeds, they were terrible.  They took a couple of our lures for sacrifice.  By now we were at the west end of the lake, CC is not a large lake the sides are steep with terraced edges and steep drop offs, going from 12-15 to 40+ feet in the matter of seconds.  Staying on the edge of the drops and the weed line was the key for getting fish.  Kelly got a second Tiger Trout on the rainbow popgear and worm.  The colors on these fish are spectacular and the fight is awesome.  Kelly caught another Colorado Cutthroat running his rapala into the weeds.  He had another big hit and was reeling it in when it broke free, nope didn't break the line broke the lure in half it was a Tiger we seen it at the boat before it snapped it in half.  Luckily for him I had another in my tackle box since it was the hot lure of the day.  We ended up with 6 fish total and a nice stringer to put on the new board dad made for us!!  Left the lake at 1 pm and made for home.  It was great day on the pond.  Will definitely return for more fun on CC!

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