Saturday, September 13, 2014

There's a Chill in the air!

This morning 4:30 am came soon.  Picked my sister up from the airport last night at 11:pm and dropped her off at mom's place at midnight and then made it home around 12:30 am and the alarm was not kind.  Picked Craig McAffee up at 5:30 and headed for the lake.  The temp gauge in the truck read 37 degrees and when we crawled out of the cab of the Mule the brisk morning breeze felt like it!  I Craig was bundled up in a down coat and layers with his hunting gloves on. Me refusing to accept that summer is over, was in shorts and t-shirt, but had my insulated work jacket in the back and quickly put it on.  Prepping the boat in the dark and keeping warm by moving quickly.  We launched in the dark putting on the navi' lights and decided to run Dead Sheep Point first thing.  I got a report from Shifty that he did well there earlier this week.  We ran it twice not getting so much as a sniff, changing combinations twice.  We ran into a group fishing the bank and getting hits quickly by the small mouth and large mouth bass in DC.  They were fishing in a tournament and were moving quickly along the bank pitching crank baits.

We powered up and went to the Bermuda Triangle and I got one in the boat finally, knocked the skunk off and got another hit, but we continued to the Sea of Galilee we kept trying different combinations and finally put silver Jack of Diamonds on Craig's pole. He got two in the boat going through the Sea of Galilee.  It wad 10:00 am and I needed to be off the water by noon to get back for my Mom's surprise birthday party.

We powered up again and ran to the Provo river inlet in Charleston Bay.  We anchored up and Craig put on power bait and sank it, he got a hit within seconds, a nice chunky bow.  We had 4 in the live well and it was 11:00 am.  Craig put the his line back out and got another hit immediately but missed  it.  He re-baited and set it out.  I was tossing KM's to no avail they weren't hitting anything I put out there.  A boat pulled in behind us in shallow water and immediately put 3 in the boat, we almost pulled anchor and went over there but we didn't.  We fished until 11:30 and Craig bot another smaller bow in the boat and it was bleeding bad enough we had to keep it.
The water was still 63 degrees and filled with algae, so it has not turned over yet and the fishing with trolling gear is still slow.  However many boats and friends have had great success in the inlet sinking power bait, just realize that if you choose to power bait you run the risk of having to keep some fish you wouldn't otherwise.  The moon was 3/4 waning and think that may have had a little bit of an affect on the fishing action as well.  It was a Bluebird day on the lake very calm and sunny.  It was a great sunrise and the chill in the air quickly warmed up.  During the day we reminisced about our trip to Henry's over Memorial Day and shared stories about other fishing outings we had taken over the summer.  Glad to have shared the day with Craig on the Fish Steeler it was a fantastic day, just because we were on the lake fishing!!

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