Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ski Day!

Spin drifts were flowing this morning off the peaks as we loaded up the truck for the days adventure to Sundance.  We got on the road at 8:15, stopped and got some breakfast and were at the mountain by 8:45.  Stopped at the ticket window and picked up a pass for Parker and were on the lift by 9:05. That was after we had to adjust his skis for his boots I picked up his mothers skis for him thinking they were his.  It's been a while since Parker was skiing with me 3 years in fact.  But we made it through that.  The day was absolutely perfect, blue bird skies, no wind and some powder to be had.  This was the first day of the season for me as well, hopefully quite a few more to come.  The only issue we need snow badly!!  The groomed runs were okay but still tons of under growth poking through the snow.  We made it to back mountain by 9:30 and were skiing.  We took mostly cruiser runs for the day but made a couple short pitches in the calf deep powder from the storm that rolled through yesterday.  We had a blast and skied 6 runs before we had to head for home, and our legs were fried.  Plus the lines were getting horrible the last run we had to wait almost 20 minutes to load. Not good for a small resort and the top of front mountain was not open making us go down the back trail to the bottom which isn't pleasant especially on tired legs, lots of flats.  The ski season isn't starting off well for any resort due to lack of snow.  That doesn't bode well for the coming summer and water supplies, Jordanelle never did fill this summer and will remain well below capacity without some huge storms coming through.  Skiing for the day was great it was nice to have my mountain partner back with me for the day.  I wish I had a Jacuzzi right now, that's all I'm saying.  Forgot the camera at the truck sorry no picks or videos today.

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