Monday, March 30, 2015

Yuba Reservoir Fishing

Friday, I decided to go fish for some Northern Pike at Yuba Reservoir. The lake is also known Sevier Bridge Lake in Central Utah. It is an agricultural reservoir and drained down quite a ways each summer for irrigation and other farming needs. I thought it would be good to go find some big Northern Pike early this season. Reports coming out on the lake that the Northern Pike were hitting and the action was fast. I invited my brother to go along, he is a Bass specialist but likes big fish and he has yet to land a fish out of Yuba Reservoir.
We met up at 5:00 am and hit the road it is a hour and half south of us and we wanted to be on the water by sunrise. We did just that after filling up and getting some needed supplies. We pulled into the marina about 15 minutes prior to sunrise. We launched and got metal in the water. Kelly was running crank baits and put on a Yellow daredevil, the reports said this was the hot ticket or a No. 5 vibrax spinner. We fished the wind break at the dock, again an area that was supposed to be hot and heavy with fish, for about an hour. The morning was brisk to say the least, not as cold as it was in the late fall when we last fished Yuba for Pike, but still quite cool at 30*. The water temperature ranged between 45 and 47 degrees all day, by mid-day it had warmed up to 60 degrees with clear blue skies. The wind wasn't terrible but it played with us most of the day. We fished the damn area, not the actual damn because they have closed off access to the damn with a buoy line, for a while and then kept moving around. We went to south end into a cove but the water in the backside was very stained and muddy with run-off what little there is left at this point. We started to drift cast back toward the marina for the rest of the morning. We through everything we had at them today, to no avail we did get a few hits on drift through a section by Painter Rocks but they shook off. I got the Hummingbird 688HD DI hooked up over the week and it worked great and showed fish all day, yes I checked to make sure it wasn't on stimulation a number of times....LOL. The finder did work great and it is great to have it at the front of the boat so I can follow contours a lot better now. The day ended with us hitting one more cove across from the marina, Kelly still has not caught a fish at Yuba and he has fished it with multiple people on multiple boats even his own. I think he is jinxed on Yuba. We will try again multiple more times to get him a Pike from Yuba.

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