Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Starvation Reservoir Rainbows!

Memorial Day we decided to go fishing even with the weather not being very cooperative. 14 days of rain in Utah! Unheard of for our arid state and continues to rain as write this entry Wednesday night. We loaded up at 5 am and then went and got Jimmy out of bed! He almost got left out on this adventure. We drove through some rain in the canyon and past our favorite spot, Deer Creek Reservoir due to infestation of Quagga mussels, we won't be fishing it in the boat this year or for a while. We went to Heber and pulled into the local stop and got breakfast items. Still not sure where were heading and looking at the skies I decided to go east to try and outrun the rain.

We headed east for Starvation Reservoir a beautiful reservoir in the Uinta Basin area of eastern Utah and right beside Duchesne. It is 2 hours from the homestead so we don't do it that often. It is known for its Walleye population and housing some huge Brown trout and Rainbow trout, along with a good population of Perch. We pulled into the check station and talked with the attendant for a second and asked where we could find fish. He asked us what we were looking for, we replied trout, and he told us where to try over by the bridge. We pulled into the marina and ramp at 8 am. Remember we had to wake up Jim! We readied the boat and launched.

We ran to the area the attendant said would be good. We pulled into the bay and were the only boat in there. We set up and started trolling pop-gear and dodgers with a worm trailer. We fished through one section and got a couple hits right off. We thought alright we may have a good day. We missed the first few, I think because we were out of practice and just excited to be getting into them like we were. Finally boated a nice sized Rainbow and the game was on. We didn't go much longer than 20 minutes between hits. We fished most of the day without much weather or wind and a couple boats coming into our bay and trying our pattern. We continued to get hits and catching fish. The others weren't quite as lucky so they moved on. Except a pontoon boat they were running fast and trolling rapalas and were getting hits like we were. The weather changed at 1 pm and so with 10 nice rainbow in the live well we decided to call it a day before it got nasty with wind and rain. We easily missed or did not net 20 more fish on this outing. We were definitely out of practice of netting them having at least 10 at the boat and knocked them off the hook with the net. We made fun of each other for our great skills!

We got to the cleaning station and took a few pictures on the stringer board and had a few comments on the nice haul of fish. One other boat came in with a nice load of Walleye but no one else had any numbers. We had a great day on the lake. We thanked the attendant for giving the area to fish and showed him a picture of the stringer and he was even surprised at the size and number. We finished off the adventure with lunch at a local Cafe in Duschesne called Cowan's Cafe. We thought first going in maybe not, but we stayed and were damn glad we did the food was great service was fun and quick. All handmade burgers and meals. We are going to frequent Starvation more often now that we have a couple weigh points to go off of, and we will go back to Cowan's Cafe.

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