Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fishing an Old Favorite!

Parker wanted to fish our favorite lake for some Colorado Cutthroats and I had nothing better to do for the 24th of July. Utah celebrates the 24th of July when Utah became a state, it is called Pioneer Day and lots of celebration take place. Parker were celebrating our style with some fishing. I loaded up the boat and met him at his place a little after 5 am and we hit the freeway going south. After a quick stop for refreshments and breakfast sandwiches we are the road for the hour long road trip. 

Making it to the lake at 6:30 and the sun just beginning to rise it was 36 degrees at the lake, did I mention it was July 24th, nearly freezing point and the condensation was lifting off the lake as the water was 60 degrees when we launched. It was a very beautiful sight but at the same very chilly with a slight breeze blowing. Boats that had camped over were already on the water and running fast to the dam and deeper water. The lake is down about 20 feet right now and the bubble up was running low and slow. It had been three years since we fished our favorite lake since it was infested with Quagga Muscle but this year they deemed it clean and we couldn't wait to get on the water. We tried to get on it March but the snow to the ramp was still 3 feet deep and the ice wasn't off yet. We deemed that weekend Failure to Launch...LOL. This time however we made it and started trolling right of the launch ramp. 

We started with our favorite pop gear and pattern to begin the day out. The water being as low as it is we had to get through a little weed and low spot between the dock and the bubble up but once past it I had my first fish on. A small Colorado Cutthroat but still our first fish of the day. We fished for a while before our next hit but it was small Tiger Trout, since our last outing here they have introduced Tiger Trout and Kokanee Salmon to the lake, we are still out on our decision if that was good or not. We fished for quite a while before our next hit and Parker hooked up another nice little Colorado Cutthroat. He was happy to land his first of the day. By now we made it to the dam and the deepest part of the lake where there were number of down riggers running their light weight gear deep for the Kokanee Salmon. We were happy to keep hunting for those big Colorado Cutthroat that we had been catching before the lake was dirty. We found the pattern, depth and location of the fish about 11:00 and we kept them on the line pretty much for an hour missing a few as well. We limited out with Tiger Trout and small Colorado Cutthroats and felt maybe the hits we were missing might have been Kokanee Salmon since we were running lead line with no give that might have been ripping through the soft mouths of the Kokanee. 

Being the 24th of July we had family parties to get to for the evening and called it a day and stopped in Fairview for lunch at the local burger shop claiming the best burger in town, we agreed it was pretty good and fresh made. Great day on the lake after it warmed up it was bluebird day with a breeze every once in a while it was nice to be back on the high elevation lake but were a little disappointed for the size of the fish we landed, we were used to limiting out with 20 plus inch Colorado Cutthroats hopefully we just didn't find and they are still there.

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