Saturday, August 8, 2015

Evening on Jordanelle

Wednesday night Parker and I went to Jordanelle Reservoir and fished the small boat ramp pattern. The last time we did any good on this stretch was a few years ago, but we had a good feeling. We got on the water by 7 pm and had gear running by 7:15. It wasn't too long after that, when Parker yelp out DAD!
I turned to see my pole in the holder was dancing its way out and I had my other pole in my hand. I quickly grabbed the other pole and then attempted to put the pole in its holder, attempted, yep just as I was putting it in the holder my grip slacked and in the lake it went!!! I was quite distraught over the whole thing and lost focus for about 15 minutes, I hate it when I do stupid things especially expensive stupid things. The lake now has a very nice rig in 122 feet of water. After I regained composure I reeled in the fish on the other pole, a nice Rainbow Trout. About that time Parker caught one, while reeling it in his other pole was hit and a fish was on it.
I was still messing around with mine and he had to net his first one then I got to the back of the boat and helped with his second. The fishing stayed steady all evening with one pole getting hits or hooking up every 15 minutes or so. The wind was pretty strong which made navigation a little tough but I managed to keep us in the lane for the most part. We fished and talked and I cussed myself all evening for losing the rig but had a great time with Parker catching fish. We didn't think the fish were that big as we reeled them in and put them in the live well. However when we put them on the stringer board we noticed they were all 18-23 inches and had good firth on them. We hadn't had a fish like this on Jordanelle for some time and were grateful for line to produce again. We got off the water as the sun was setting and stopped at the cleaning station to filet them and get a couple pictures on the stringer board.

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