Sunday, February 14, 2016

Starvation Ice Fishing

Saturday Parker and Jim joined me on a trip to Starvation reservoir, we were looking for rainbow trout and brown trout. We launched from Rabbit Gulch campground at sunrise and took the CanAm across the lake to the ledges and set up camp. We fished this area for about an hour and half. 

We only got a couple bites and one rainbow on the deck. Even though we changed depths and area a couple times while there. I talked with a couple other camps and they were doing okay, but mainly for perch. One group had a rainbow on the deck. We loaded up and went in search of more productive waters. We stayed on the ledges side of the bay and found what looked to be a productive rock outcropping. We set up this time without our tent because it was a bluebird day on the ice. We were stripping down layers by noon. We fished here and got a few more hits but could not get one on the deck. Jim had the best shot when he hooked up a nice fighting fish but lost it on the way up.

The day ended around 12:30 after there was nothing happening on the finders in any hole. We packed up the CanAm and headed back to the truck. Even though the day was not as productive as planned or hoped for, it was a great day on the ice with my boys. Hope you can get out and enjoy this late winter weather outdoors.


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