Monday, February 29, 2016

Ice Fishing E. L.

Due to the fact I am still on the mend from surgery I haven’t been out in the last couple weeks. Parker on the other hand has taken advantage of time and great weather and gotten out a few times. Last week he went up to a favorite of ours, Electric Lake. He went up after school and spent the afternoon cutting holes and moving until he located them. Each trip last week he was happy with his results.

He found plenty of Cutthroat and Tiger trout. He said it took him a while to find them the first trip but the second only a couple holes and he was on them. The Colorado Cutthroat trout in that lake are some of the prettiest trout I have ever seen. The DNR introduced Kokanee to the lake in the last couple years we hope to locate them this summer and bring home a couple for the smoker.

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