Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tiger's on Ice!

Tiger trout, a hybrid cross between a male Brown Trout and a female Brook Trout. Tiger trout are quite piscivorous (fish eaters) from an early age. Parker put it to the test yesterday as he cut holes at Mammoth Reservoir. He took off mid-morning and made his way up Fairview canyon, over Skyline and down to the small high alpine reservoir. He fished for only two and half hours but made out like a thief and decked over 20 of the piscivorous Tigers. All were decent sized and fighters. That is the one thing about the Brown and Brook cross is they are fighters. Running his grandfather’s Eskimo 10″ blade he struggled with a couple of them to get through the hole. That makes for a fun fight on the ice.

“It was on fire!” as Parker put it in his note to me after the mayhem had ceased. He said “my fingers were so cold from handling fish, I had to put my gloves on”. Another great afternoon outing for Parker. He is getting his set up dialed in and finding fish faster than ever right now. He said “the screen was packed with fish” talking about his Marcum LX3 flasher. Parker is a reader and student of all things and he has been reading up on his Marcum LX3 to figure out how to pinpoint fish. The Tiger Trout were plentiful and large for the afternoon. He said the ice is still good and solid with no slush on top. Hope I can get out with him soon still on the mend.

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