Friday, July 22, 2016

Fishing with Shifty!

Thursday morning came fast! I woke up after a couple hours of sleep at 4:00 am and started to get everything prepared for a day on the water. Picked up Shifty at 4:30 am and we made our way to the Uinta Basin. Where we stopped in Duchesne and picked up breakfast and snacks for the day. On our way to our destination, somewhere in Uinta Basin. We made it to the lake at about 6 am and were fishing by 6:15. The night before yielded a full moon, we talked about our choice to fish on full moon days and concluded fish would be caught anyhow.

We started the morning off with pop gear, I was running a worm and Shifty was would run a pink squid. Shifty was first on the board this morning, but it was l slow, after an hour we found a school of trout that was hungry, and Shifty landed our first of the day. A rainbow trout good colors and a good fight. Shifty landed the next and I changed colors of pop gears. The second rainbow was a bruiser! Easily 3 pounds or better. We fished most of the morning trolling for trout. I landed my first rainbow and it was a nice fish but not near the size of Shifty’s. My second however matched his big 3 pounder and the game was on. I caught another small rainbow and also hooked up a small mouth off the bank while casting into a spot where a fish had just jumped and hooked up the little smallmouth bass but didn’t land it. We fished for another hour and got one more fish, a perch that I had to keep because the fished swallowed the hook.



At 11:00 am we started casting crankbaits into the banks. I used a Rippin’ Rap Rapala Firetiger pattern and Shifty put on a perch pattern lucky craft. We fished the rocky banks of this lake looking for any sign. I was the first to catch smallmouth bass and then the slam began. The smallmouth bass could not stay away from that Rapala. I caught fish very fast nothing of great size but all had a good fight to them. Shifty changed up lures a few times and then found one that the fish liked and he got a couple in that run. I caught the biggest smallmouth bass I have ever caught it weighed in at 2.5 lbs and what a fighter, it was awesome. I got second big smallmouth bass and this one got back at me by driving a couple barbs of the treble hooks into my thumb. It hurt! Shifty grabbed the fish while I took the buried barb out of my thumb, pretty sure I got this on video so you will have to watch the YouTube video. Not real funny at the time but after the initial pain went away we laughed pretty good about it. My Rapala Firetiger stayed hot most of the day. We fished the bays and rocky shoreline of the basin lake for the rest of the day. I continued to catch quite a few fish ending with over 30 fish on the day with Rainbow trout, smallmouth bass, and perch. Special note I caught three fish trolling the Rapala one rainbow and two smallmouth bass. Shifty made it over double digits on the day with definitely the biggest rainbow trout of the day. We will return to this lake! We found a great little ma and pa store near the lake that has great burgers and fries!

This is the lure I used a Rippin’ Rap Rapala Firetiger.

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