Sunday, March 18, 2018

On The Ice at Mud Creek

March, 10 we tried our luck at Mud Creek on Strawberry Reservoir.  Mud Creek is usually one of the first waters to freeze over so we generally hit it early in the season and move out as the season goes. This year however with the ice coming on late the fishing at Mud Creek has continued to be productive. We set out early and got to the launch by sunrise and we readied our gear for the trek.  We unloaded the four wheeler and made our way down the bank to the ice.  We got on it and found a crust with about 6 inches of corn under it so we felt okay to venture as far as we wanted to. We did just that, we drilled 20 plus holes before locating them just outside the bay. We tested the water column by setting lines at different depths in each hole.  Once we located them we set camps and started catching them.

I was the first on the board this go around. It turned out to be a productive day for me catching around dozen fish and Parker caught a few as well.  We fished and laughed at one another for the morning and then had to pack it in.  The day was a nice not to windy but we did have to put in a couple stakes. The fish were all cutthroats and were returned unharmed to the water.

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