Sunday, April 22, 2018

Fishing Rockport Reservoir with Jack

Saturday we decided to go to Rockport and go after some browns. Parker arrived at the house at 5:30 am with Jack in tow, my youngest grandson.  He was bright eyed and ready to go. We loaded up and made our way to Heber where we stopped for breakfast and bait. We made it to the lake by 7:00 and the sun was up. It was still chilly and the wind had kicked up.

We started trolling right from the dock and went to the dam. We set the ultrex on its heading and speed and started putting lines in the water. Half way to the dam we got our first brown trout on the boat on the rapala sunfire, Jack reeled it in and was happy with his accomplishment.  A decent sized brown trout.  We continued around the dam and thru browns corner and got nothing.  We had the water column covered again with Parker's down rigger and various depth running hard baits. We trolled up the roadside and thru a number of the bays but again nothing.

We arrived at the first finger on the roadside and got another hit, this time from a big rainbow trout, a nice 22 inch fatty.  Jack reeled it in and had a blast.  We covered our regular routes and got a few hits but we were slow on the draw.  Then coming across the flats got another fish hooked up on the pop gear. I was bringing this one in and should've let Jack cause when I got it to the boat and started to tip up on the retrieve it gave a head shake and was gone back to the depths.

We ran into Guide, Delana Sue Oaks - Fish Elevated, and traded some information only to find out she was having the same results as we were. And not too many other boats were landing fish. The weather and changes that have been happening probably played a little roll in our success but I think really it was our slow response to the hits we got, we should've limited out by 11:00 had we got each hit. Oh well a few more years and we might have this thing down....

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