Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Fishing "Perch" Creek 4 Species Day!

Shifty and I went out a month ago and fished at Deer Creek. Our plan was to troll for trout in the morning and then go for some smallmouth bass in the afternoon. We were trolling pop gear and worm. We fished the morning away trolling the lanes and banks hoping for some big fat rainbow trout. What we caught were Perch, more than we had caught in years at the reservoir. Yes, we were still trolling for trout. We each got a rainbow trout but we were catching more perch, I got one a Rapala up shallow in the water column.

The craziest day we had on Deer Creek for a while. We hadn't seen perch in any numbers for so many years and to catch a dozen or so trolling was unheard of by us. We wrapped up the morning with more perch in the live well. We decided to try our luck at the rocks and go for some smallmouth bass. We noticed quite a few boats anchored up and talked to one of them and they were fishing for perch. We talked with them as they brought in a couple. We continued to throw hardware at the banks in hopes of some bass action.

Bass, were okay with what we were throwing that day and gave a few nice battles. I got on the board early with smallmouth and then Shifty came in with a few himself. My next fish was a Largemouth bass, giving me a 4 species day.  Nothing huge in the bass department but we did get a few nice sized perch.  We fished till the battery went dead on the trolling motor and called it a day.

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