Sunday, September 9, 2018

Fishing for Cutthroats and Kokanee

A couple weeks ago Jimmy, Parker and I went to our favorite lake in search of Cutthroat trout and Kokanee. Odd combo I know but we made it work just not how we planned.  We loaded and up headed south and reached our destination at sunrise. The lake is extremely low at this time of year and the ramp looked a mile long.  I backed us down and launched the Fish Steeler for our day on the lake.  We were one of a dozen on the lake better than the other lakes for that weekend where they were ant hills.

We fished our usual lanes and started off with rainbow pop gear and pink dodgers with squid behind it.  We trolled through our lanes and got nothing. Noticing fish stacked at various areas through lanes we decided to stop and jig.  We knew the pods of fish were the Kokanee schooled up getting ready to run. We jigged for about 10 minutes before our first fish strike, which we missed, Jimmy missed another just a couple seconds later and then I hooked our first fish of the day.  A small Kokanee but it was a fish. We stayed with this school and Parker brought in a Cutthroat. Continued to fish the school and Parker landed another nice sized Cutthroat and this one bent up his spoon.

We fished for a couple more hours, trolling till we found the pods and then jigged the school. We didn't manage another bite however.  Others we spoke with said about the same thing but stories of Tigers and bows were being caught, trolling and and on power bait.

We called it a day and headed home around noon, having to get home for a family party.  Great morning on the lake with Parker and Jimmy.

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