Sunday, November 11, 2018

First Ice!

Parker and I needed to get away and relax for a bit so we went on a scouting trip for ice covered lakes. We found them, Fairview canyon lakes are solid. We ventured out on Mammoth first, but decided not to cut through there and went to a small pond in the EL drainage that we fished last year. This year we were out a month earlier than last. I think this is the earliest we have ever cut holes. The lake was solid with 4 inches of ice and when we broke through the water that came out immediately froze on the surface, yes it was cold.

Parker was the first to get hits and first to ice a fish for the 18-19 season. It was a rainbow not much size but it counted. He continued to deck fish for the two and half hours we had to fish. He ended up with 8 rainbow decked and a handful of misses. His last two were decent sized and they had good colors.

I finally got one decked and it turned out to be the big fish of the day. A nice rainbow trout. I was freezing by the time I got one decked. Not thinking we would even see ice let alone enough to walk on, I didn't dress that well in the shoe department. As I was walking off the pond Parker caught his 8th rainbow.

We thought, had we had, some live grubs we might have been able to catch more, but we also felt quite accomplished catching as many as we did in such a short time. We packed up and went home to Harrison's Bday party and had a great family party!! We had perma grin from our morning's outing.

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