Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ice Fishing Butterfly Lake

Saturday morning found us driving up Mirror Lake highway and searching for ice. We found lots and decided to fish Butterfly Lake. We unloaded and got on the ice by 7:30 and it was already snowing.



Parker got on the ice first and a hole cut before I got out there. He had the flasher in and a line down and was getting hits. After he missed two solid hooks we decided to put the tent up. We got everything in its place and started fishing. Parker was on fire! He had 6 on the deck before I got my pole set up and in the water.


We fished the morning away and caught a trifecta of species with rainbows a plenty and tigers too and a couple cutthroat. All in all we caught 80 total with Parker leading the way. We had plenty of double ups.  Action was quick and plentiful the flashers were going crazy with all the fish coming in and out of the cone.


The fish weren't huge, a number of them in the 15 inch range and the majority in the 12 inch range. The tug was real and that's what we needed. We needed to be absorbed in the moment and catch as many fish as we could. The snow was coming down hard and we decided we better hit the road to get back across the pass to get home. We pulled stakes at noon and made our way home. We stopped at a new joint in the canyon called The Notch, we will return to this establishment. Good food, good atmosphere, good service.
The fishing was a blast a memory that will last.

#marcumtechnologies, #eskimoicefishing, #mrheater

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