Monday, February 4, 2019

Ice Fishing Jordanelle

Saturday Parker met me at his grandmother's and we drove up the canyon. This Saturday no different than any other but today we were going to fish Jordanelle Reservoir in the Rock Cliffs area. This area holds great memories for me, this is where it all began back in the early '80s. My Father-in-Law introduced me to ice fishing here. My first time walking on water and I will admit I was very skeptical of walking out there for the first time. Jimmie took me out and showed me how to catch fish through the ice hole. It wasn't anything fancy, a hand auger, a tent with a floor and two holes in it. No flashers, no cameras, no heater, just his instinct and knowledge of the water and area. We fished for most of the day and caught many big trout. My favorite was large Brown trout on a very small ice fly with a barbell head, I thought to myself, "this can't catch fish!", but with his knowledge and patience we did and a lot of them. Putting the dinks back and keeping a nice stringer limit of big bows and browns.

Today Parker and I headed out a little deeper and further than my Father-in-law and I did that day but we were moving across the water on a snowmobile with our tent in tow. We first put holes down in 10 feet of water and could see on the flasher the movement of what we thought were perch or smallmouth bass. We fished here for about 30 minutes and didn't get a hit. We moved to deeper water and set up out by the buoys. Parker had a nice hit and cranked it up for a few cranks, before losing it at the hole. We fished for another hour or so, then Parker decided it was time to go on the hunt. He moved beyond the buoys and found the ice was much thinner. He moved around for about a half hour, not finding or catching anything and he returned to the tent. At that point, we noticed a fisher walking toward us. He was having about the same success as we were and was hoping that we had been doing better. We talked for a few minutes before he returned to his camp. We moved one more time this time onto the rockpile. This is where things got interesting and fun. We set our tent and camera up and started watching the fish swim all around our jigs.

Parker was on fire! He caught perch for the next few hours, pulling one out every few minutes. At that point, the fisher we talked to returned and we showed him what we were doing. He moved, next to us and used our dill to drill a few holes for his group.  Parker and I stayed in the tent and continued to catch fish quickly.

Parker finally got a solid hit, it wasn't in the view of the camera so we didn't know exactly what it was until he saw it at the hole. He let out a whooop that surprised everyone. I saw the nice sized brown trout in the hole, just as Parker reached down to pull it out on the ice. It was definitely a nice catch and one that made the day.

We fished for a while longer but realized we needed to go. We decked over 60 Perch and left them with the group that was fishing around us, they weren't having quite the same success as we were. Put the Brown trout in there and a couple rainbow to boot and it made for a great day. The snowmobile and tent worked great as did the new underwater camera. Keep the rod bent and have fun!

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