Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fishing the Lower Provo-Paul Ream Park 11-18-19

Monday morning I texted Shifty to see if he was going out and he had other obligations. I decided not to lose the morning and go fish the river. I saw on the map a section of the lower Provo river that I had not fished before with easy public access and went for it.

I got on the water around 10:30 and figured to stay until noon. Staying on the bank and tossing my new favorite Brown trout bait. I put a couple other lures in a small box and went to the bank. Three casts later and I was hooked up with a small Brown trout. A few more casts in that hole produced nothing so I moved.
Moving was the key for the morning. I moved several times some holes produced and some didn't. The second hole, however, produced the biggest Brown trout of the day. Nice fat 15 inches with great colors. I got it back in the water quickly.

Moving along the bank going under one of the bridges proved to be good as well and I caught another quickly. I turned around and headed back upriver. Crossing the river on via the bridge and I saw deeper pockets along the bank and knew there had to be fish in them. I tossed the jerkbait across the river and let it float downstream for a bit and brought back up through deeper pockets and sure enough, the tug happened and another nice brown was online. It tried a couple other lures just to see if they would produce anything but they didn't. I crossed back over the river and moved further upstream and tried my luck. I spooked a few and didn't get another fish.
I lost my lure! I attempted one more cast and the lure got hung up on a sunken branch. I tried everything to free it. I even thought about wading out after it but thought better of it. I marked the spot and made sure I knew where it was located. I pulled the line tight and it snapped off. This morning I went back with my waders and found it!!

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