Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day of Firsts

Today we took a trip south headed to 9 mile reservoir and spent an hour or so there. Threw out a number of things to get a bite but nothing was hitting. No one around us was getting anything either. We were there pretty much on our own for an hour then all of the sudden we were overrun with people. They came in right on top of us I mean literally. So we cast a few more times and we took off. We headed North, and took the road to Palisades, I have never been there so I knew Parker or Bob had never been there. So that was the first of the first for us all. We arrived and drove through the park and checked things out couldn't get anywhere out of the wind, oh forgot to mention the wind was blowing hard so we had to find a spot with a little barrier. We ended up on the dam and started casting. Parker was throwing his trusted Super Duper and got one on in about 20 minutes, his first of the season, he was happy to get that one behind him. Bob was wandering all over but when he seen Parker land his he came back over and started casting his super duper and caught one in about 5 minutes, his first of the season as well. I am working Dare Devils this season to see how many fish I can catch with the old trusted lure, My first came with the red white standby. It was fun to catch it, not my first of the season though. So then I started working a perch pattern DD and within 5 cast I had another hooked up with this pattern, he made a quick release just as I was pulling him out of the water. They said it didn't count, I didn't have it in hand. We stayed for a few more casts and then called it a day and headed for home. We went home via 89 and seen the sights Bob had not been through that valley and wanted to see it. We will return to Palisades what a great looking area. The water is a turquoise blue and clear. It was quite and not as many people around. The fish were clean looking and healthy. Check out the slide show below.
Til our next venture........Keep Smilin'

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