Saturday, January 9, 2010

1/9/10 Skiing Sundance

We started the morning off a little sluggish planning on being in the parking lot before 8:30am and that is when I rolled out of bed, I then got Parker up around 8:45 and on the road.  Got in the upper lot by 9:05, yep can still drive the canyon pretty good.  We loaded thinking the back mtn must be packed got to back mtn and no line our thoughts turned positive right away.  We skied the first 2 runs just cruising high speed the Parker needed a little more excitement and went for some bumps so I followed wasn't pretty but made it.  Then we ventured over to the headwall and found out they had groomed it, what a great little pitch!  We then went back side and hit Freddy's and Snowstake both had nice snow and coverage.  Then a couple high speed cruisers and then hooked up with Brad H. he is a Mountain host and skied a couple with him.  It was a cloudy day and flat light but the groomers had laid out some nice corduroys on the slopes.  We took off around noon and went the back route on Roundup and hit Expedition on the way out again good snow and coverage.  It was an "OK Day".  Parker and I then went visited mom and dad for a minute.  Sorry no pics today just cruising, come and ski with us some day promise not nearly as crazy anymore....hehehe.

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