Saturday, January 2, 2010

A good morning at the Dance

Took off on my own this morning Parker is pretty sick and didn't feel like going up this morning.  Got there thinking it would be crowded beyond belief, but to my surprise I got to park in the lower parking lot and was on the 10th chair of the morning.  Rode up with an instructor from Pittsburgh, it was awesome talking to him he was very knowledgeable about the Steelers.  He was on the mtn in transition waiting for his "real job" to begin.  The day was great, turned into a Blue Bird day on the mtn and the snow was good a little new on the surface and groomed well.  I skied a few runs then hit the shack at top and grabbed a snickers, note to self take my own.  Spent a few minutes just relaxing and letting the legs rest.  Made a few more runs and never waited in line.  Legs played out long before the soul did, I didn't push it though.  When I couldn't stand up straight anymore I called it a day ;-).  Hope to get in better shape soon and be able to push past noon.  Want to hit Alta before Parker takes off.  Made a stop on the way home on the lower Provo and threw a couple lures at the Brown's that inhabit that area but couldn't find what they were looking for today, it may have been due to the Beaver that was swimming around my cast the whole time, LOL.  Come and join us anytime.

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