Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rockport Fist Holes of Season

Parker and I took off a little late for the first ice fish of the season, around 10:30.  We stopped at the Road Island Grill in Oakley and had lunch, good food and good atmosphere.  We got back on the road about 1pm and headed on to Rockport.  We pulled off at Crandall Campground and went out about 60 yards off shore.  We settled in and cut 2 holes the ice was easily 18 inches thick, tons of folks on the ice with us.  Parker got the first hit of the afternoon and missed the set.  They were hitting very light and not very often.  We fished til the sun was setting and getting cold.  We didn't run our tent on this trip but it was a nice day a little overcast but no wind to speak of.  We had a number of hits, but I only coaxed a couple to take the bait, a perch pattern crippled hearing with a couple meal worms hanging off of it.  Parker was working paddle bugs and curly tails with wax and earth worm tipped.  The first fish was 20 inches and good sized the second was a planter of about 16 inches, both had nice pink fillets.  We got home around 6 pm and I had them on the grill within 30 minutes and eating dinner, Rogan joined me for dinner, he likes fish just not catching them.  Until next time keep smilin'.  

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