Saturday, August 27, 2011

7.13.11 Deer Creek with Jimmy Lee

This morning I picked up my oldest son Jimmy Lee and we went to Deer Creek for a few hours on the lake.  It was pretty slow but we did finally find some fish mostly small planter bows.  We fished the usual pattern in the bay and then went down roadside cliffs.  That is when it turned into an adventure.  I had to relieve myself so I pulled us into a nice secluded cove and started to do business and then Jimmy says well I have to as well and commenced to do business but when he got started he leaned out over the edge of the boat and then fell in the lake, got hung up on his shorts and the boat started to take on water we were in about 6 inches of water so I was yelling just stand up not knowing he was hung up.  Water was still pouring in over the side so I grabbed him and tossed him overboard, that is when I figured out he was hung up and heard his shorts rip in half.  All the while there was a couple going by watching the entire incident, unknown to us at the time.  We got all situated back in the boat got his phone and wallet out to start the drying process, got back out to the middle of the lake and the couple came back by and the husband could not stop laughing at what he had just witnessed.  I was like WTH just happened and poor Jimmy was like great another story.  We started fishing again in silence then I looked at him pretty bummed out at this point and I just started laughing, he looked at me and started laughing to, I told him if you can't laugh at that, just think about that boat that witnessed and what they saw, he busted up and we laughed for a good spell.  We were on way back to the bay, when Jimmy hooked up a nice bow the nicest one of the day.  Big fatty and great colors making the day and events all that sweeter.  We got off the lake just before a big rain storm pounded the lake.  It was a ball and an adventure.  til next time keep smilin'

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