Sunday, August 28, 2011

8.20.11 Fishing with Paul

This morning I took good friend Paul Olson fishing he wanted to see what I was doing to catch fish on DC.  We had met earlier in the month at meetings and said we need to get out.  Met up again and decided on today.  It was a great morning.  Paul pulled in the first 3 fish, a couple nice carry overs.  I got 4 in the boat before 9am and then they turned off and were hitting very lightly and we couldn't net another one.  We stayed out until 10 and then the skiers, wakers and jets were making the water so turbulent we could keep the motor in the water.  We decide to call it and left.  It was a great morning, loads of fun, hope to get out again with him.  Til next time keep smilin'

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