Sunday, August 28, 2011

7.24.11 Jimmie Gines

Today heaven gained a great man.  He is my father-in-law, but treated me as a son without hesitation and always made me feel welcomed.  I will miss him greatly.  He taught me many things in the short time I had with him.  He was a great dad, grand dad and great grandpa.  The saddest part of the whole affair was Parker was not able to be there in the end.  Jim gave it a great fight to hold on as long as he could but that damn cancer took over his body too fast, so he didn't make until Parker returned.  They were best friends before Parker left on his mission.  Parker and he would go fishing or riding at least once a week before he left.  He loved the mountains and traveled in them often, he made most of the trails in the West Uintah mountains.  He taught me how to clean my first deer and watched me patiently gut shoot the poor thing at 20 yards, He exclaimed "how the hell do you gut shoot a deer at that range" and then laughed.  I was just happy to have shot a deer finally.  He took me on many adventures and taught me things without ever saying he was.  That was the kind of man he was quiet and knowing.  I remember one time he and I went fishing in my boat we were on Deer Creek and again he was teaching me without saying a whole lot of anything but quietly guiding me through holes he knew were hot.  When all of the sudden he got hit hard and I had never seen him get excited about much but this brought him to hoops and hollars with the best of us.  He landed a nice 4.5 lb Brown, he said "that is the nicest fish I have caught here and anywhere in a very long time".  Yes heaven gained a very good man today and I for one am glad he gave me part of his life and let me be part of his family.  I will miss you greatly "Whiskey" and love you forever.

1 comment:

  1. The man that inspired the idea of this page. He passed away last summer on his favorite Utah holiday July 24th. He was a man that loved the Uinta Mountains my only wish is that I could have explored them everyday with him. Hopefully this will inspire some of you to quit waiting to have the time and make the time to explore with someone before it is too late.
