Sunday, April 8, 2012

Evening at Vernon

Howling moon!
Parker and I headed out to Vernon Res. Friday evening and fished for about 2 hours.  It was cold for an April evening, cold enough to make ice in the eyelets of our poles.  We worked two rods each one baited the other lured.  Yep didn't help, neither of us caught a thing.  Got a couple hits on various lures but no fish on the bank.  I attribute it to the full moon.....couldn't have been us...LOL.  We had a good evening on the bank, next time we will haul our tubes out there.  We talked and had some laughs, promised one another no matter how busy things get we will make it a priority to get out as often as possible.  We took off about dusk and went south down the canyon we had never ventured past the res. so we decided to go check it out.  A beautiful canyon with many camping spots in very nice areas.  We stopped in an area with a nice big back drop hill and shot few rounds thru the 22's first time they had been out in 2 years, we also shot a clip thru the pistol.  Did I mention it was cold, yep we had enough blowing up bottles, so we picked up our stuff and headed further down the canyon and decided we were hungry.  We headed for home, on the way across the PET out of Faust, Parker seen the moon rising and exclaimed "what is that?" it was overly huge that night and had an ominous look to it.  I pulled over on hill and we took pictures and HOWLED at the full moon.  We stopped grabbed a "Shirley's" (Wendy's) double since he had not had one in 2 years, shared stories and laughed some more.  Yep it is good having my adventure partner home.  Til next time keep smilin'!

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