Saturday, April 28, 2012

Good morning of fishing............

Catching on the other hand was not so good.  We did manage to coax one Cutthroat to hook up, a couple more hits but that was it.  We ran rainbow, flash tape, nickle/brass diamonds, rapala's, flatfish.....yep just one caught.  We did have a good morning even though.  It was quite cold 23* to be exact when we got there in the morning.  We pulled up and there was another group getting ready to launch they were putting on winter gear, I was in flip flops and zipoffs, Parker was in a hoodie.....LOL, they thought we were nuts.  We went to Jordanelle today to try something new and to be totally new we went to the Rockcliff side and launched there.  Good place not crowded like the Hailstrom marina.  Lots of debris in the water from run off and the water was quite murky.  Parker really started to get cold by late morning so we headed in.  I went to Chubby's with my Dad after that and had 2lbs of crayfish.....yep Louisiana style....mmm, mmmm, good!  til next time keep smilin'

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