Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First boat trip of the season and 1st in 2 years for Parker

Saturday morning, not as early as we planned on getting out, we got on the water around 7:30 am.  After our usual stop at Walker's for refreshments and worms.  Parker and I were fishing again after 2 years, it all fit so well.  We got on the water and threw out the pop gear, me running rainbow and Parker running silver diamonds.  I got the first fish of the season in about 2 minutes, figured it to be a fluke.  We both got back in the water and about the time the line got to depth I hooked another bow, planters but they were fish.  Parker feeling this was going to a rainbow kinda day he switched quickly.  Nothing for the next hour!!  Then he got one, and another, and another.  We both got hits and got them reeling in and they would quick release, some would be jumping right off the bat and throw the hook some would wait til they seen the boat and throw the hook.  We started wondering if our hooks were bad, we checked them, tweeked them and again some more QR's.  Crazy stuff we were thinking but we were getting hits and hook ups so we stayed the course.  The hit was spotty and slow but kept us entertained.  We finally landed 8, I caught my 3rd and the last of the 8 about noon.  It was good having Parker back in the boat.

We headed for Wallsburg and got lunch at Jose's "Solo In Town", if you haven't ate there you need to treat yourself to a great little "dive".  Jose puts on a great plate and very tasty and filling.  He has some of the best authentic Mexican style in the state.  We had the Wallsburg double and got more than we bargained for as usual.  Got a bag of ice for the days catch and headed for home.

They were all decent sized but mainly carryover planters, rainbows and one  native.  A great day beautiful blue bird conditions.

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