Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ice Fishing - 3 lake day

Parker and I set out for the south central part of the state on Thursday for what we hoped would be an epic fishing day.  We made our way to Price stopping for breakfast and supplies and continued south on highway 10. 

Our first target and only planned target for the day Huntington North Reservoir. We pulled into the state park, went to the boat ramp, where Parker said "park down by the lake." I refused because I could see the ramp was a sheet of ice. After getting things in order we started down the ramp where I immediately started sliding on the ice. Getting to a snow pack and stopping my death slide, Parker from behind, "guess it was good we didn't try to park on the ramp." starting back down the ramp again the sled wasn't cooperating, so I let it go. It slid about 10 feet onto/into the lake! We looked at one another as we watched my sled floating in the water as it broke through. I pulled it out of the water and we started looking for an entry point that would hold us. I went east Parker went west, I took a step onto the ice and broke through immediately up to my knee. Parker started out and got a couple steps and was saying he found a spot, when he broke through up to his thighs! We turned around got back to the truck and started the drying process.

We thought for a moment and Parker said let's go to Joe's Valley. Parker fished it last season and did really well and it is higher up the canyon so we thought it would be safe. We made our way to Orangeville and up the canyon. Along the way mud and rock slides were present and happening, but we continued onward. Noticing the temperature was steady at 36 we thought we were in for disappointment. We arrived at the boat ramp and decided to try it. We found safe ice with about 3 inches of slush on top but the ice was solid at 8 inches thick. We set camp, using Parker's new lithium laser Strikemaster to cut holes. we fished the first set for 30 minutes and moved and moved and moved and moved again. A fisher went by told us he had fished the day before for 6 hours and got one fish, not a good omen. We fished until noon and decided to try another lake. Not a bite, not a blip on the flasher happened and those near us was having the same luck. We packed up and made our way back down the canyon, dodging rocks and debris the whole way down.

We made it back to Huntington where we decided to go to Huntington/Mammoth and go for some tigers. Passing a sign flashing "Road closed at MP 13" we stopped turned around and asked a local store if the road was really closed. They were nice enough to call the sheriff office to find out. Sure enough an avalanche had closed the canyon. Back on the road toward Price, we decided to try Scofield, but up the canyon, Parker seen the Duchesne sign and said "I have never been through that canyon let's go to Starvation!" We turned around and made our way through Indian Canyon.

We arrived at Rabbit Gulch at 2 pm, seen one car there and two guys out about 100 yards. Parker yelled out to them "caught anything!" the reply "NO!" We looked at one another and decided we were here and the access is easy we pulled over and got the stuff ready.  56 degrees is what the temp read in the truck. We didn't even put on our bibs or hoodies and decided when we got too cold we would stop fishing. We setup in 15 feet of water, the ice was 4-6 inches and scary looking with standing water of about 3 inches. Fished these hole for about 30 minutes, one of the guys came over and told us he had two solid hits all day but missed them both. He also pointed out they were the only two on the lake the entire day. They left the lake, I took over their holes and Parker move to 10 feet of water.

Parker gave out a yelp and he had hooked up a nice rainbow. By now it was 4 pm and the sun was dropping. I came over to his spot and cut one hole and set my line. We gave it till 4:30 pm and I said fish or no fish I am done. No fish came around. We made our way back to the truck walking up the ramp as river of water flowed into the lake. The truck temperature read 62 degrees now. I believe ice season may be coming to a rapid end, with the exception of Strawberry, if you can get to the lake. We actually tried 4 lakes today but only made it to 3. Great day on the lakes, in the sun and clean air. Still better than any day in the office!

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